Vocal Coach sings "No Time to Die" by Billie Eilish and gives tips on song interpretation and breathy pop sound and effects
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Watch the 4th episode of my vocal coaching series on Youtube where I talk about song interpretation and pop sound effects!
Silvia Vocal Coach for the celebrities on "It Takes 2"onRTL TV. Here
with: Conchita Wurst (jury), Annett Möller (winner), Tom Gäbel, and Dave Davis (finalist)
16-year-old Stella was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy (life expectancy: 20) She urgently needs your help to pay for an expensive Stem Cell Therapy abroad. Her story
and account information for your donation here: www.chance-for-stella.com
"An Emotional Powerful Voice - from Intimate Ballads to Cinematic Pop-Rock Songs"